Wax Stamp Maker Lahore

Available Designs of Wax Stamps

Wax Stamp Maker Lahore Pakistan

“we make Ink Stamps, Self ink Stamps, Pre Ink Stamps, Wax Stamps, Embossed Stamp, Leather Stamps, Food Stamps, Wedding Stamps, office stamps and we have Wax Glue Gun rod of all colors n shades urgent stamp maker in Pakistan”

Readymade Wax Stamps Coins

Rs 35 each



Selfink Stamps




Embossed Stamps

Embossed Stamp Sticker

Rs 25 each

Pre-Ink Stamps




Wax Stamps




Leather Stamps





Food Stamps





Wax Glue Gun Rod

Golden Wax Available in Stock Ready to pick

choose the wax Stam Design A to R

All Types of Numbering Stamps Available





For More Contact Us:

Address:          MM Alam Road, Lahore 04235785642

Land line:     (042) 36407146

Cell/WhatsApp:  +923324231101 (24/7)

E-mail:                  zemprinters@gmail.com

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